
emission requirement中文是什么意思

  • 排放规格



  • 例句与用法
  • Tighten the emission standards for newly registered diesel private cars to the latest californian emission requirements ; and
  • Emission requirements for newly registered vehicles have been tightened . the best motor vehicle fuels that can be made available on a mass scale have been introduced . and advanced emission control devices have been tested
  • Firstly , the government will provide a one - off grant to encourage vehicle owners to replace their pre - euro and euro i diesel commercial vehicles by new commercial vehicles complying with the prevailing emission requirements for newly registered vehicles , which is euro iv standard at the moment
  • " the european union will also tighten its unleaded petrol specifications to the euro iv level from january 1 , 2005 to prepare for subsequent implementation of the euro iv vehicle emission standards . our plan is to start making euro iv emission requirements mandatory for newly registered vehicles from 2006 in step with the european union , " he said
  • The factors that have effect on the car ' s emission such as cleaning inside engine , size of three - way catalytic converter and leakage of exhaust system etc have been tested and analyzed , and some related parameters are determined . in order to ensure that the emission meets the requirements of the euro ii standard at one time , to pass the examination of 80000km durability , and to achieve excellent performance indicator while assuring the emission requirements , the design of intake manifold and camshaft profile is optimized , the test of engine performance and car ' s emission and environment performance have been conducted . through comparison by test , it is shown that the carburetor engine after retrofitting to electronic fuel injection engine has achieved good level in terms of emission and performance , and has been upgraded to the same level as the engine of japan mitsubishi and suzuki
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emission requirement的中文翻译,emission requirement是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译emission requirement,emission requirement的中文意思,emission requirement的中文emission requirement in Chineseemission requirement的中文emission requirement怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
